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Dan Adindaku Nabilah

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Adindaku Nabilah umurnya 17 tahun sudah :)
Ibu bilang saat adinda Nabilah dilahirkan di rumah sewa Labu Kubong,Chenderong Balai, aku lihat wajahnya dengan kepelikkan rasa.Siapakah manusia kecil ini?
Nabilah teman sepermainan,teman gado2,teman kecil saya hingga sekarang.
Adik suka manja2 dengan ibu.Suka minta ibu cium.
Birthday adik diraikan dengan ala kadar saja.Seiring dengan hari raya,maka ajaki sudah teman sekolahnya. Alex,Rossie,Mette, Carole dan Sabrina. Jumlah sedikit tapi lebih bermakna kerna tak payah basuh pinggan haha xDD
Jokessss.. sikit tapi berkat lebih bahek dari banyak tapi maksiat :)
Anyway,buat adinda Nabilah, Happy Belated Birthday

ayat 36, surah Ali-Imran :

Maksudnya : "Maka apabila ia melahirkannya, berkatalah ia: Wahai Tuhanku! Sesungguhnya aku telah melahirkan seorang anak perempuan (sedang yang aku harap-harapkan ialah anak lelaki), - dan Allah memang mengetahui akan apa yang dilahirkannya itu - dan memanglah tidak sama anak lelaki dengan anak perempuan dan bahawasanya aku telah menamakannya Maryam, dan aku melindungi dia dengan peliharaanMu, demikian juga zuriat keturunannya, dari godaan syaitan yang kena rejam (yang dikutuk dan disingkirkan)".

ini homework so tak payah baca eh xD

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


For this theme, I would like to research and finding more about Islam and Islamic art. Basically they are about my feelings about Islam and Islamic art. I was born as a Muslim girl. I am growing up in Islamic background and community; also I am living in non-Muslim country, United Kingdom.

From Islam and also movement every step of my life as a Muslim girl, I would like to learn and teach and remind more about Islam to myself. I want to mirror myself as a Muslim girl. I made so much sins and mistakes. I want this art theme make me up and wake me up from every bad manner to good manner.

Islam is a religion of community. Islam is a universal religion. Islam teaches ummah (people) to be a good person to the Lord, Allah S.W.T. , to the Prophet Muhammad and others Prophet, to parents, to teachers, to friends, to community, and to everyone and everywhere.

Also, Islam is not just about religion. Islam was and still got very good Islam art design, architecture, music, dance and calligraphy. Every each Islamic art were designed by the Muslims architects since hundreds million years ago. From the mosque, palaces, dressing, and the way of life, Islam just so perfect for people.

In this unit, I would like to

So many people looking for the truth and people deserving for the peace and people looking for their own soul. That is what I see, what I hear and what I can feel since I came to UK.